Breeding Statistics

Breeding Statistics --- 2023

    Stallion        Mares Bred    Reports Received     Live Foals     Percent Live Foals    State
A Shin Forward 21150%NY
A. P. Ridge 3000%LA
Aaron's Way 52240%WV
Absolutely Stylish 65583%AB
Abstraction 42250%NM
Accelerate 97778%KY
Acclamation 27151556%CA
Active Treasure 21150%OK
Adams Circle 222100%KY
Adios Charlie 28121243%FL
Afrashad 52240%WY
Agujero 1000%NJ
Aheadbyacentury 86675%ON
Aikenite 42125%AR
Air Pocket 95556%CA
Air Strike 108770%OH
Airoforce 65467%TX
Ajnadeen 666100%MT
Al Khali 43375%NY
Al Rhythm 3000%NM
Albert the Gold 32267%PR
Aldrin 111100%WV
Ali 111100%NJ
Alliance 42250%MD
Aloha West 83625769%KY
Alternation 31171548%KY
Always Dreaming 72229%KY
Amanecer de Oro 21150%LA
American Anthem 36171644%NM
American Dubai 136646%TX
American Freedom 30171653%AR
American Guru 52240%ON
American Pastime 105220%IN
American Pepper 41125%NM
American Pharoah (3) 132988363%KY
Amicable 2000%IN
Amira's Prince (IRE) 32133%FL
Ami's Flatter 104440%ON
Amis Gizmo 74343%ON
Ami's Holiday 43375%ON
Anchor Down 259832%IA
Animal Style 63233%IN
Annato 666100%PR
Anothrdayatthelake 21150%OK
Anthony's Cross 88675%CA
Anyportinastorm 115545%NE
Apriority 76686%LA
Aquarian Cat 1000%KY
Arcade 222100%IL
Archwarrior 65583%TX
Arctic 76229%OK
Are You Happy 1000%PA
Arghad 107770%PR
Arizona Moon 20101050%AZ
Arkansaw Native 1000%AR
Army Mule 19915213869%KY
Arriesgado 63350%PR
Arrogant Punch 111100%CO
Artful Run 84338%NM
Artillero 111100%TX
Astounding 2000%TX
At the River 1000%CA
Atreides 64467%OK
Atta Boy Roy 32267%KY
Attempted Humor 333100%LA
Audible 1311025340%KY
Aurelius Maximus 34262574%LA
Authentic 19816014071%KY
Avie's Flatter 43282558%ON
Awesome Bet 4100%LA
Awesome Indian 85563%NM
Awesome Slew 53292955%FL
Baby Forever 32267%PR
Babylon 111100%MO
Baffin 99556%OK
Bahamian Squall 62117%FL
Bahjatty 41125%IN
Bakken 23141461%BC
Bal a Bali (BRZ) 43375%KY
Balance the Books 31133%CA
Balandeen 117764%AR
Ballado's Gold 22150%WV
Ballagh Rocks 111100%NY
Balmont 61117%AB
Bank Heist 111100%NY
Barbados 222100%MD
Barkley 31222065%WA
Baronial 3000%MT
Baryshnikov 222100%IN
Baseball Card Kid 43250%ND
Basin 65372945%KY
Battalion Runner 105550%FL
Battle Rags 3000%OH
Bayerd 64350%OK
Bear's Conductor 6000%OK
Beau Liam 52363262%KY
Bee Jersey 53443770%KY
Believe in Royalty 25201976%PR
Bench the Judge 3000%AB
Berko 1000%OK
Bethel 42250%NY
Biblical 111100%PA
Big Bad Leroybrown 1000%CA
Big Black Storm 444100%MT
Big Blue Kitten 1000%KY
Big Brown 128758%NY
Big Lightning 8000%AB
Big Mike 111100%SC
Big Returns 111100%CA
Big Screen 18161583%ON
Big Time Player 104330%NE
Billy's Star 51120%ON
Bingo Kitten 111100%PR
Biondetti 1000%OH
Bismarck Tullio 2000%FL
Blake 22150%PR
Blame (2) 1311069169%KY
Blended Citizen 75571%OK
Blofeld 99777172%MD
Blueblood 92222%IA
Bluegrass Pharoah 111100%TX
Blueskiesnrainbows 104440%OK
Bobby's Wicked One 56332952%LA
Bocephus 81113%AZ
Bodexpress 64484570%CA
Boisterous (2) 176635%AB
Bold Chieftain 42250%CA
Bold Warrior 21150%KY
Bolt d'Oro 15713311573%KY
Bond Street (IRE) 198842%ON
Bonfire Romance 222100%TX
Botswana Taps 42250%OH
Bourbon Courage 31211961%MD
Box Score 31133%CA
Bradester 65583%TX
Bravazo 62117%KY
Brave Dave 222100%LA
Breakers Isle 8000%CA
Breaking Lucky 206630%LA
Brethren 29212069%FL
Brighton Lane 1100%FL
Brody's Cause 32202063%PA
Bronze Star 222100%CA
Bucchero 55353564%FL
Buckwheat Bob 41125%FL
Bullsbay 29141241%WV
Burrow 115545%TX
Bustin Stones 23151461%NY
By My Standards 105625754%KY
Cairo Prince 1291009271%KY
Cajun Breeze 34262265%FL
Cal Nation 169850%WV
Calculated Risker 94444%ND
Calculator 259936%IN
Caleb's Posse 83338%OK
Calibrachoa 222100%LA
Call Kristian 53360%PR
Callide Valley 43375%OH
Cancun 158853%WV
Candy Ride (ARG) 103816462%KY
Candygram 38201847%WV
Candysnmoney 41125%PR
Cano's Baby 1100%WV
Cape Lucas 3000%TX
Capitol Guy 31133%NM
Capo Bastone 21131257%WV
Capo Kane 49282755%PA
Car Talk (IRE) 12121192%AB
Caracaro 67434161%KY
Carpe Diem 64353047%LA
Carrick 21150%ON
Cat Burglar 107770%CA
Catalina Cruiser 60393253%KY
Catalina Red 17101059%LA
Catholic Boy 24201771%KY
Caught On You 3000%TX
Causeway Jones 43375%OK
Celestial Ranger 111100%MD
Central Banker 131858162%NY
Centrifuge 13000%IL
Chamberlain 111100%OH
Chance It 20181470%FL
Channel Cat 109990%KY
Char Bar's Legacy 111100%WV
Charlatan 22318616574%KY
Charming Kitten 2710933%IN
Chips All In 108880%WY
Chipshot 1000%NM
Chitoz 61117%OK
Chitto 53360%OK
Chitu 147750%FL
Cigar Street 222100%KY
Cinco Charlie 126542%AR
Circumference (IRE) 2000%CA
Cistron 18161689%CA
City of Light 85716475%KY
City Wolf 333100%AB
Clarke Lane 3000%TX
Classic Empire 118837664%KY
Clearly Now 42250%LA
Cleverdyn 111100%TX
Closing Argument 117655%LA
Cloud Computing 47383779%KY
Clubhouse Ride 56454377%CA
Coach Billy G. 32267%PR
Coal Front (1) 40242153%KY
Coast Guard 107660%WA
Cocked and Loaded 105550%OK
Code West 21131257%OK
Codes Diamond 43375%AR
Coils Gold 222100%NM
Coin Flip 1000%KS
Cold Brew Kid (1) 81113%OR
Cold Harbor 111100%ON
Collected 21171257%KY
Collusion Illusion 1810739%ON
Colonel Liam 138747252%FL
Colonelsdarktemper 111100%TX
Coltimus Prime 31133%MD
Comfort 1210867%NM
Command Post 86675%PA
Competitive Edge 61433659%TX
Complexity 59454271%KY
Conan 1000%AL
Conmovedor 42250%PR
Connect 45322964%KY
Conquest Farenheit 24181771%CA
Conquest Mo Money 26191973%NM
Conquest Smartee 119982%CA
Console 32242269%PR
Conspiracy 32267%PR
Constitution (3) 17515012069%KY
Conveyance 19161263%WA
Convocador 42250%PR
Copper Bullet 26201765%KY
Core Beliefs 42241945%KY
Corfu 1512960%OH
Corniche 18013611463%KY
Costa Rising 31133%LA
Count Alexander 43375%LA
Counterforce 16101063%BC
Country Day 19131368%LA
Country House 30211757%KY
Courageous Cat 333100%NY
Court of the Realm 111100%ON
Court Vision 13118%NE
Cousteau 4000%AR
Cowtown Cat 2000%OH
Creative Cause 33252473%KY
Croce d'Oro 123217%IL
Cross Traffic 84535262%KY
Crossbow 3100%TX
Csaba 1000%IN
Csaba Abarbar 61117%FL
Cu Rahy 111100%TX
Cupid 43262456%KY
Curioso 74229%PR
Curlin 1221129376%KY
Curlinator 222100%TX
Curlin's Honor 56212138%FL
Curlin's On Fire 222100%TX
Custom for Carlos 29222276%LA
Cutting Humor 106660%AR
Cyber Secret 1000%AR
Cyberknife 22318817177%KY
Cyclotron 111100%CA
D' Funnybone 105550%WV
Da Big Hoss 3000%OH
Da Stoops 54480%OK
Daddysprize 1000%WA
Dads Caps 42272764%CA
Dad'z Laugh 31133%PR
Dak Attack 1000%FL
Dance Hall Doctor 111100%CA
Dancing Divo 5000%ID
Danish Dynaformer 87788%ON
Danzing Candy 37232259%CA
Daraybi (FR) 111100%CA
Daredevil 41363585%KY
Dark Canyon 74457%WV
Dark Kestrel 444100%OH
Darrin's Dilemma 1000%FL
Decisive Moment 43375%FL
Defender 222100%TX
Demarchelier (GB) 31241961%KY
Denis of Cork 1100%WV
Den's Legacy 209945%OK
Desert Code 21150%CA
Despite the Odds 62233%WV
Destiny Awaits 3000%TX
Dialed In 17512711365%KY
Disco Partner 12101083%NY
Discreet Lover 93333%IN
Divide and Conquer 111100%AL
Divining Rod 29151448%MD
Divisidero 1110764%KY
Dixie Chatter 21150%OK
Do the Roar 22150%FL
Doc N Bubba G 2100%AL
Dolphus 21150%KY
Dominus 30232170%OH
Don Gato 222100%TX
Don Paco 14111071%PR
Don Six 21150%NJ
Done Talking 30227%SC
Donegal Moon 16151594%PR
Dorrance 43375%TX
Dosificado (CHI) 164425%CA
Double Irish 222100%AR
Double Ours 2000%OK
Dowsing (JPN) 82225%IN
Dr Large 4000%NY
Dr. Skimming 2000%UT
Drain the Clock 19914113467%KY
Dreamliner 333100%OH
Dreams and Beers 43375%PR
Drelzy 1000%TN
Drill 24131354%OH
Driven West 1100%SK
Due Date 43375%LA
Durango Kid 1000%IL
Dynamic Impact 92222%OR
Dynamic Sky 33267%AB
Eagle 136646%TX
Early Voting 19115712666%KY
Eastwood 32221753%PA
Eastwood Dacat 111100%AZ
Echo Town 46323167%KY
Eclipticalspraline 128867%MD
Eddington 66467%AZ
Edison 73343%SK
Editorial 33191958%CA
Eight Ain't Enough 31133%FL
Eight Rings 27161659%CA
El Bailarino 1000%AZ
El Cucuy 1000%OK
El Deal 53343464%LA
El Huracan Maria 31133%PR
El Macho Suave 43375%NM
El Pando 111100%TX
El Suri 52240%PR
Elgar 31133%OH
Elite Squadron 1000%IN
Elnaawi 3000%IN
Elusive Hour 52240%MI
Embezzler 8000%AR
Embrace the Storm 31133%NM
Empire of d'Nile 1000%CA
Empire Way 2000%CA
Engage 83444149%MD
Enticed 85525160%KY
Epicenter 26222921783%KY
Essential Quality 13211810479%KY
Estimated Prophet 1000%MD
Estratega 111100%PR
Ethnic Dance 52240%CA
Euroears 52240%OK
Exaggerator 23111148%LA
Excaper 31133%OK
Exclusivo 111100%PR
Expect a Lot 73229%TX
Ez Effort 1410964%AZ
Fama Y Dinero 2100%IL
Father Nelson 333100%WV
Faversham 12111083%CA
Favorable Outcome 103330%NE
Fed Biz 68393957%AB
Feels All Right (IRE) 42250%FL
Fiber Sonde 34131132%WV
Fiddlers Afleet 1000%NY
Fighting Hussar 111100%CA
Fine Print 111100%FL
Finnegans Wake 32267%CA
Fire At Will 42272662%NY
Firespike 44375%AB
Firing Line 54360%KY
First Dude 107440%FL
First Mondays 117764%MD
First Samurai 21151257%KY
Flameaway 111817467%KY
Flap Jack 2000%AR
Flashpoint 64467%LA
Flat Out 70363347%OK
Flightline 15213712884%KY
Flightofalifetime 1000%IA
Flying Honeypot 124433%LA
Fog of War 21150%NY
Foreign Policy 33267%OK
Forest Command 5000%CA
Forever d'Oro 125433%IN
Fort Larned 5000%OH
Fortune Ticket 83338%MD
Frac Daddy 17101059%ON
Frank Conversation 1000%NY
Free Drop Billy 138862%KY
Freud 107660%NY
Friend Or Foe 53360%VA
Friesan Fire 116655%MD
Frosted 15411410568%KY
Fugitive 31133%WV
Fundador 43375%PR
Funtastic 25141352%KY
G G Flag 444100%NM
Galawi (IRE) 24151458%MD
Galilean 29121138%NY
Gallant Son 53360%CA
Gamble's Exchange 179953%ON
Game Winner 96716770%KY
Gato Del Oro 15111173%CA
Gentlemen's Bet 113327%AR
Gerryssundayspirit 1000%OR
Get Rich Quick 666100%PR
Ghaaleb 13118%IL
Ghostzapper 74533851%KY
Ghurair 53360%TX
Giacomo 111100%OR
Giant Expectations 62233%NE
Giant Hit 1000%LA
Gift Box 31252581%KY
Gig Harbor 222100%CA
Gio Ponti 333100%KY
Girvin 18115213977%KY
Glenbar Prince 2000%AZ
Global Campaign 93676267%KY
Global Express 111100%SK
Go Deep 3000%LA
Go for Four 21150%NM
Gold Aly 1000%WA
Gold Double 96667%TX
Gold for Cash 31133%NE
Gold Rush Dancer 18131056%WA
Golddigger's Boy 21150%PA
Golden Lad 37252259%MD
Golden Pal 29324121674%KY
Golden Years 55353462%WV
Goldencents 14411010069%KY
Gone Astray 156640%FL
Good Magic 17914913173%KY
Good Samaritan 29191759%KY
Gormley 29201655%KY
Gospel Tiz Key 62233%OK
Got the Last Laugh 73343%PA
Gotta Runaway 222100%OH
Govenor Charlie 54480%CA
Grandpa's Dream 42250%PR
Gray Meteor 3000%SD
Graydar 46181839%CA
Grazen 78585571%CA
Great Notion 35262469%MD
Greatbullsoffire 21150%PA
Greatest Honour 17812812369%KY
Greatness 3100%FL
Gretzky the Great 33151545%FL
Guest Star 1000%IL
Guipago 222100%ON
Gun Runner (13) 17916214078%KY
Gunnevera 66373655%FL
Halladay 63434368%CA
Hamazing Destiny 63350%AR
Handsome Franco 12121192%PR
Hangover Kid 21150%NY
Happy Saver 74625169%KY
Harborage 31133%LA
Hard Aces 76686%LA
Hard Spun (1) 15212611374%KY
Harlan's Pure 121212100%PR
Harry's Holiday 44222250%IN
Harry's Ontheloose 111100%FL
Harvey Wallbanger 1000%TX
Hay Listen Up 111100%MB
Hay Net 21150%WA
He Be Fire N Ice 114436%CA
Heart to Heart 17101059%KY
Heaven's Glory (JPN) 111100%CA
Hello Broadway 111100%WV
Hello Darkness 22150%CA
He's Zippin On By 111100%OH
Hess Max a Million 111100%WY
Hess's Bodidldy 1100%WY
High North 117655%AR
Higher Power 75524459%KY
Highly Motivated 1411029769%KY
Hightail 33181442%KY
Highway to Fame 444100%TX
Hog Creek Hustle 77686%KY
Holiday Promise 19141368%IN
Hollywood Don 73343%NM
Hollywood Handsome 44375%VA
Holy Boss 17111059%MD
Holy Buckets 1000%BC
Holy Lute 16161275%NM
Honest Mischief 94656064%NY
Honor A. P. 39232051%KY
Honor Code 38262258%KY
Hoosier Kingdom 111100%IN
Hootenanny 151515100%KY
Hoppertunity 2010945%MD
Hot Buttered Slew 3000%NM
Hubba Bubba 1000%FL
I C Railroader 1000%IL
Ice Box 71114%IN
Idiot Proof 26232388%CA
Idol 128928768%KY
Il Villano 3000%PA
I'll Have Another 111100%CA
I'm Steppin' It Up 1000%NM
Imma Wild Bling 3000%OK
Imperial Hint 35262674%LA
Improbable 94736367%KY
In Speight Ofitall 3000%AR
In the Impossible 111100%WV
Independence Hall (2) 147948155%KY
Indian Ocean 2000%MA
Indy Wind 76686%OH
Instagrand 95776872%KY
Instilled Regard 30212067%KY
Integrity 111100%VI
Interactif 43375%LA
Into Belief 333100%FL
Into Mischief (1) 17415814382%KY
Investigator 21150%TN
Iqbaal 333100%KY
Irish Surf 3100%KY
Irish War Cry 18171689%MD
Iron Fist 219943%LA
Ironwood 222100%OH
Isotherm 117764%IN
It's a Danzig 111100%SK
Itsmyluckyday 42250%OH
Itsthesameoldsong 14000%OH
Ivory Keys 111100%FL
J C's Champ 42250%KY
Jack Christopher 24721019278%KY
Jack Milton 22131359%CA
Jackie's Warrior (1) 18315814177%KY
Jackson 22150%FL
Jac's Fact 73229%OH
Jafmil 63350%FL
Jagr 22141464%FL
Jake La Gold 2000%WA
James Street 222100%CA
Jeranimo 111100%CA
Jersey Town 14121286%CA
Jess Mo 21131362%OR
Jimmy Creed 113756658%KY
Joe the Joker 51120%PR
Joevia 333100%NJ
Juba 53171630%WV
Just Leo 82225%NY
Justiciero 1000%PR
Justify 22218416072%KY
K B's Krome 22150%NM
K G Cowboy 64233%MI
Kantharos 39312872%KY
Karakontie (JPN) 86686070%KY
Kara's Orientation 21150%ON
Karate 88788%OK
Katz My Song 75571%FL
Keen Ice 30222067%KY
Keep Up 43375%TX
Keepmeinmind 70444260%NY
Keiko Krahe 21150%IN
Kendalls Bear 111100%MD
Kentucky Bear 52240%MB
Kentucky Summer 1111873%NM
Kentucky Wildcat 1310969%NM
Khozan 47322962%FL
Kick On 115545%OK
Kid Norcliffe 2000%MI
Killybegs Captain 54360%NY
King Cha Cha 102220%ND
King for a Day 48343165%NY
King of the Roxy 111100%OH
King Zachary 28212175%TX
Kirkendahl 111100%IA
Kiss the Ghost 17131376%OH
Knicks Go 79534962%KY
Know It Now 21150%AB
Known Agenda 94716367%KY
Kobe's Back 1511960%MD
Kunal 117764%FL
La Clair 1000%AR
Lake Nimrod 61117%WY
Lancelot G S F 111100%VA
Lantana Mob 135538%IN
Last Print 52240%WV
Last Shooter 1000%TX
Latent Heat 76686%TX
Latigo Shore 96556%NM
Launch Commander 96667%ND
Laurie's Rocket 95444%AR
Lea 75457%KY
Leading Score 21150%OR
Ledoux 111100%PR
Legal Authority 21150%CA
Legend of Perseus 1000%MB
Leinster 54262037%FL
Lemon Drop Mousse 444100%SK
Lent 64467%BC
Leo Jeka 2000%AR
Leofric 27171659%KY
Lexitonian 46353372%KY
Liaison (1) 27141348%MN
Liam's Map 15712911473%KY
Liam's Mischief 111100%PR
Life Is Good 19215913771%KY
Light Up the Score 1000%TX
Limehouse 21150%WV
Linchpin 81113%KY
Listing 16111169%CA
Littlebitofadevil 1000%LA
Live Fast Brown 21150%FL
Load to Fire 104440%WV
Lockout 5200%OK
Lone Sailor 27191763%LA
Long On Value 115545%FL
Long River 83338%MD
Lookin At Lee 53360%NY
Lookin At Lucky 81575264%KY
Looking Cool 73229%IN
Lord of Greatness 1000%WV
Lord Shanakill 136646%PA
Lost Treasure (IRE) 74114%KY
Lotsa Mischief 27222281%AZ
Louisiana Glitter 222100%FL
Lovely Ghost 1000%GA
Lucky Bode 3000%WY
Lupino (GB) 2200%ID
M G Warrior 111100%AR
Maclean's Music 14411710976%KY
Madefromlucky 125542%MD
Magic On Tap 88454147%FL
Magick Dancer 2000%FL
Magna Graduate 111100%OK
Making a Marc 2000%NM
Malahini 444100%PR
Malibu Max 139862%AB
Malibu Prospector 1000%TX
Mandaloun 21114810349%KY
Mania A. 111100%PR
Mank 73343%AB
Many Rivers 31133%CA
Maraud 17151588%PR
Mark Valeski 1911737%AR
Marking 76373647%NM
Master James 22150%NY
Master Rick 52120%WV
Mastery 41125%KY
Maxfield 1341008664%KY
Maximum Security 87676069%KY
Maximus Mischief (9) 16811410563%KY
McCraken 111100%KY
McKinzie (1) 16913112172%KY
Mean Season 21150%LA
Medaglia d'Oro 101796362%KY
Medallist 65583%AB
Mendelssohn (3) 114888373%KY
Merit Man 55480%CA
Mesa Thunder 1000%CA
Mick's Star 333100%PA
Midnight Crooner 3000%CO
Midnight Lute 33221752%KY
Midnight Split 1000%NM
Midnight Storm 47252451%CA
Midnite Poppa 52240%AB
Midshipman 82615567%KY
Mighty Mischief 76686%PR
Millenium Jack 1000%MO
Million Heir 1000%FL
Mind Control 19014113169%NY
Mineshaft 26171350%KY
Miraculousmo 4000%TX
Mirific Spell 3000%SK
Mission Impazible 85563%NY
Mister Lucky Cat 77686%OK
Mister Snickers 32133%BC
Mitole 18412911764%KY
Mo and Go 16141488%CA
Mo Donegal 18614713975%KY
Mo for the Money 21150%AR
Mo Forza 102626059%CA
Mo the Beholder 97778%CA
Mo Tom 57403968%LA
Mo Town 142887553%KY
Mobil 4000%OH
Modernist 89555461%KY
Mohaymen 3016620%ON
Moon Eclipse 2000%CO
Moon Thunder 222100%TX
Moquest 246625%CA
Mor Spirit 27191970%KY
Moretti 1110655%KY
Morning Stride 51120%AZ
Moro Tap 2000%TX
Mosler 15101067%MD
Mosquito 63350%AL
Most Mischief 54480%NE
Mr Freeze 188844%OH
Mr Louise 444100%FL
Mr O'Prado 53360%AB
Mr Speaker 21141362%TX
Mr. Big 26171662%CA
Mr. Gold Mover 186633%NM
Mr. Money 50413876%LA
Mr. Monomoy 106660%WV
Mr. Prankster 33133%WV
Mr. Scotty 63350%ON
Mr. Sterling 1000%MD
Mr. Trieste 43375%NM
Mucho Macho Man 29232172%KY
Mughaadir 3000%NM
Munnings (2) 14812611276%KY
Mutasaabeq 53292955%FL
My Friend Dr. Bo 111100%PR
My Nephew Koko 111100%NM
My Pal Charlie 1210975%LA
Mystic Guide 14511510774%KY
Name Changer 27181763%NY
Nashville 20415313868%KY
National Flag 72229%OH
Native War Chief 41125%OK
Need More Mo 118764%OH
Neolithic 2210941%FL
Ninth Street 42250%KY
No Hesitation 128867%AB
No Mo Jo 1000%OK
No Never No More 101110%FL
No Parole 33211958%LA
Noble Bird 76686%FL
Nonios 27191867%MB
Northern Causeway 108880%CA
Not Bourbon 333100%BC
Not This Time 20017814874%KY
Notional 13111077%OH
Nownownow 31133%LA
Nyquist 16514413179%KY
Oak Room 65233%OH
Obvious Reason 111100%FL
Ocean Knight 16101063%LA
Oceanus 1000%AL
Ocho Eighty Eight 1000%VI
Oh So Regal 54360%NM
Old Forester 25141352%ON
Olden Circle 111100%CA
Olympiad 22817916371%KY
Om 67494973%CA
Omaha Beach (2) 18715412969%KY
One Bad Boy 21141467%CA
One Go All Go 84338%OK
One Liner 23101043%LA
One Sided 121112100%OH
Oneniceday 4000%AR
Onyourmarkgetsetgo 111100%KY
O'Prado Again 32267%AB
Ordained 3000%AR
Originaire (IRE) 169956%CA
Orthodox 21150%LA
Oscar Nominated 199947%CA
Oscar Performance 16013312377%KY
Our Celebration 222100%AL
Our Entourage 111100%WV
Our Track 2000%IN
Ours Again 2000%FL
Outlash 42125%OR
Outwork 30181860%KY
Oxbow 21131257%KY
Palace Malice 64467%KY
Papabryan 31133%PR
Pass the Buck 23181878%OK
Pass the Butter 22150%NM
Passinaflash 52240%NM
Passion for Gold 29121241%CA
Pat On the Back (1) 16111169%PA
Pataky Kid 444100%IN
Paul Henry 111100%KY
Pavel 35302674%CA
Paynter 36292878%KY
Peace and Justice 25191976%PA
Pearl Fisher 4000%NM
Per Capita 28151243%AZ
Perfect Timber 23181565%ON
Petrov 20121260%AR
Phenomenalmoon 96556%ND
Phone Home 1000%TX
Phoneforchampagne 1100%LA
Pinehurst 146988558%KY
Pioneer Spirit 21150%WV
Pioneerof the West 2000%BC
Plainsman 119982%KY
Platinum Pharaoh 1000%NM
Point Defiance 333100%WY
Point Encounter 1000%CA
Point of Entry 35161440%ON
Point Piper 222100%CA
Pontiff 65583%CA
Pop Artist 43375%BC
Popcorn for Eddie 5000%NM
Popularity 119873%OK
Poseidon's Warrior 105440%TX
Posh 3000%IL
Pound for Pound 444100%TX
Practical Joke (3) 25518516163%KY
Prayer for Relief 137754%IN
Presencial 76686%PR
Preservationist 16111169%KY
Primal Instinct 31133%CO
Prince of Love 111100%CA
Prince of War 65583%IA
Proceed 51120%NM
Prodical Extreme 4000%TX
Producer Credit 222100%CA
Promises Fulfilled 158640%KY
Proteine 111100%KY
Proud Zoning 63350%UT
Proudinsky (GER) 51120%TX
Public Information 222100%FL
Punctuate (2) 71114%NM
Python 111100%FL
Quality Road 109935954%KY
Quesea 111100%MT
Quien 97667%NE
Qurbaan 205420%IN
R F F Abracadabra 111100%OK
R H F Encore 222100%TN
R H F Highlander 43375%TN
R H F Rockwell 43375%TN
R Justice Served 1000%MN
R M Money Talks 42250%TX
Raased 1000%FL
Rack Em Up 53360%ND
Raging Bull (FR) 59444169%KY
Raging Tiger 13101077%OR
Rainbow Heir 42250%MD
Raised a Secret 54480%WA
Raising the Flag 87788%OK
Raison d'Etat 1000%KY
Rajuk 1000%CA
Rampant Rhythm 111100%IL
Ransom the Moon 115436%KY
Rapid Rouge 41125%MT
Rattlesnake Bridge 3000%IL
Ready Intaglio 54480%AB
Readyforprimetime 33267%AB
Real Solution 43375%KY
Red Bayou 1000%MT
Red Hot Warrior 51120%PR
Red Skywalker 1000%AZ
Red Vine 82225%PA
Redbulletexpress 21150%FL
Redesdale 26111038%NY
Redirect 184528%WV
Reload 57393663%ON
Remarquez 111100%VA
Remembering Rita 43375%NE
Requite 54360%LA
Revolving 2000%TX
Revved Up 25151456%OK
Rich Legacy 111100%IN
Richard's Kid 73343%CA
Ride the Times 2000%TX
Ridge Road 1000%NM
Right Rigger 106660%NM
Rise Up 107770%OR
Rivers Run Deep 147643%OH
Roadster 153858354%FL
Rock Your World 118787564%KY
Rogueish 37171643%FL
Roman Gladiator 3000%CO
Rousing Sermon 75457%CA
Rowayton 43312558%KY
Royal Artillery 31133%IN
Rule by Night 14111179%NM
Ruler's Court 1000%LA
Rumpus Cat 44375%CA
Run It 21150%CA
Runaway Ghost 41242356%NM
Runhappy 47383370%KY
Runin for Donnie 3000%TX
Running Tap 43250%WA
Rushie 178847%LA
Sabercat 222100%MS
Sacred Life (FR) 22111045%KY
Sadie's Soldier 65583%LA
Sagaponack 111100%PR
Sahara Sky 118873%IN
Saintly Eyes 42250%IN
Saketini 111100%FL
Sambucca 31133%AL
Same As 31133%OH
Santiva 82225%IN
Sapphire Cat 21150%WY
Saratoga Syndicate 85450%WV
Sassicaia 21150%LA
Satans Irish Debut 1000%TX
Save Big Money 6000%CO
Savu 222100%PR
Scalding 16161594%KY
Schramsberg 32267%AB
Sea All Watchin 1000%MI
Sea Wizard 22111045%NJ
Seattle Serenade 101010100%ON
Second in Command 21150%BC
Secret Circle 119873%LA
Seeking the Soul 28221968%FL
Segovia 111100%OH
Serengeti 111100%AR
Serve the King (GB) 11219%ON
Seventyseven Crown 222100%FL
Shaded 111100%MB
Shagaf 74457%IN
Shakin It Up 172212%OK
Shaman Ghost 25181872%ON
Shancelot 20151470%KY
Sharp Azteca 113857465%KY
Sheer Flattery 1000%KY
Sher Supreme 111100%ND
Sherriff Cogburn 111100%OK
Shogood 12000%IL
Shoplifted 45322964%TX
Shotski 96556%LA
Side Road 41125%PR
Siente El Trueno 44125%WV
Signature Red 27201867%ON
Silent Name (JPN) 44262352%ON
Silent Pleasure 111100%LA
Silver State 68544972%KY
Sing Baby Sing 111100%IA
Singing Saint 333100%AB
Sir Dudley Digges 1000%ON
Sir Prancealot (IRE) 67474669%CA
Sir Winston 45323169%KY
Sixthirteen 222100%OR
Skipshot 64467%KY
Sky Fire 81113%IN
Sky Mesa 1410964%KY
Sky Mischief 4000%LA
Sky Promise 15117%ND
Skylord 125542%IN
Sleepy Eyes Todd 24151563%IN
Slew Flew by You 1000%TN
Slumber (GB) 21161571%NY
Smart Ride 444100%WV
Smarty Jones 20121260%PA
Smiling Tiger 71424056%CA
Smokem 19161684%CA
Snag 2100%OH
Snapper Sinclair 104220%NY
Snapy Halo (ARG) (1) 106660%VA
Snow Trouble 146643%NY
Social Inclusion 35302983%FL
Society's Chairman 32267%ON
Solomini 103686462%NY
Sombeyay 23111043%IN
Someday Jones 65583%OK
Song of Navarone 3000%NM
Sound and Fury 103330%AR
Souper Speedy 62292744%ON
Southern Image 333100%CA
Spaniard 173318%IA
Speaker's Corner 14912211376%KY
Special Effort 5000%WY
Spect No Mercy 2000%TX
Speculating 23161670%MB
Speightsong 189950%IN
Speightstown 81653948%KY
Speightstown Again 13101077%ON
Spinning Touch 2000%NM
Spirit of the Nile 222100%NM
Spiritus Invictus 62117%WV
Sporting Chance 32212063%NM
Sprika 111100%LA
Spun to Run 22151359%KY
St Patrick's Day 29231966%FL
Stacy's Ridge 1000%CA
Stand for Glory 1000%WY
Stanford 22131359%CA
Star Guitar 39302974%LA
Starship 31133%OK
Stay Thirsty 81535365%CA
Stealcase 104440%LA
Stellar Rain 111100%NM
Stimulus Plan 1000%CA
Storm Dani 111100%NM
Stormation 43375%LA
Stormdriver 111100%AR
Stormy Street Boss 111100%NM
Stormy's Majesty 222100%WV
Straight Fire 43272763%CA
Street Sense (1) 110877568%KY
Street Strategy 38272771%AR
Strike Power 57282137%LA
Stroll 222100%IA
Sublime Appeal 111100%FL
Summer Front 14131393%KY
Summersimage 42250%CA
Summit Warrior 65467%AB
Sundarban 111100%CA
Sungold 158213%BC
Sunshine Kid 111100%NY
Super Cat Speed 3000%WA
Super Ninety Nine 71114%PA
Surf Cat 15101067%CA
Swamp Ruler 111100%WI
Sway Away 111100%NM
Sweetontheladies 21121152%FL
Swissle Stick 1000%OK
Tacitus 112817668%KY
Take Charge Curlin 222100%PR
Take Charge Indy 77514660%KY
Take Charge Tapit 71114%IN
Takeover Target 111100%LA
Tale of Ekati 107770%KY
Tale of Silence 18171689%KY
Tale of Verve 64467%KY
Tamarando 1810950%CA
Tamarkuz 19101053%ON
Tamazunchale (MEX) 222100%TX
Tank Commander 14300%OK
Tap Back 34272574%CA
Tap Master 17171482%AB
Tapidor 32267%OH
Tapit 100836767%KY
Tapiture 88555259%KY
Taprize 3000%IN
Tapwrit 42242252%KY
Targeted 3000%BC
Tastemaker 111100%CO
Tawfeer 52240%LA
Tax Deduction 3000%IL
Tekton 222100%AR
Temple City 60383457%KY
Tenfold 26211973%PR
Tenga Cat 32267%WY
Tenkoz 333100%OH
Texas Bling 222100%TX
Texas Chrome 72229%AR
Texas Red 95333%OH
Texas Ryano 61117%CA
Texas Wildcatter 5000%BC
The Big Beast 40212153%AR
The Big Hauss 3000%UT
The Brain 3000%OK
The Daddy 74343%LA
The Factor 36292775%KY
The Hunk 116545%TX
The Party Factor 31133%NM
The Player 6000%KY
The Street Fighter 222100%CA
Thousand Words 61363456%KY
Three Chopt Road 1000%WV
Three Hour Nap 42250%IL
Three Rules 18141056%FL
Thunder Mesa 21150%LA
Tidal Volume 53360%OH
Tidal Wave 222100%LA
Tigah (GB) 52240%ND
Tiger of Wales 333100%PR
Tight Ten 122217%PA
Time Bandit 333100%LA
Timeline 22131255%IA
Title Ready 20181365%KY
Tiz Mischief 214419%TX
Tiz My Way 1100%NE
Tiz Shea D 64467%PR
Tiz the Law 1311009875%KY
Tizamagician 126650%CA
Tiznow My Way 1100%NE
Toews On Ice 119655%NM
Tom's d'Etat 42262150%KY
Tom's Tribute 138862%CA
Tonalist 115877666%KY
Too Much Bling 4200%TX
Toodles Timetofly 1000%MO
Top Draw 222100%IN
Touched by Autism 108880%CA
Tough Sunday 42250%CA
Tour de Force 118764%AB
Tourist 30222273%NY
Town Extension 54360%NM
Tradfest 83225%NM
Train Rider Blues 21150%NM
Treasury Bill 51120%AR
Trojan Nation 1000%WY
True Sense 65583%AB
True Timber 2000%KY
True to the Moon 43375%PA
True Valour (IRE) 22121150%MD
Tunwoo 177741%FL
Turbo Compressor 219629%IN
Turfmeister 62233%IL
Tweet Kitten 64467%ON
Twice as Bad 42250%KS
Twinspired 54360%OH
Twirling Candy 13011710379%KY
Tyme for Willard 32267%LA
Typhoon Slew 2000%WY
Uh Oh Bango 129650%AZ
Unbridled Energy 77686%MI
Unbridled Express 2213836%IN
Unbridled Trust 2000%NM
Uncle Benny 42250%PA
Uncle Chuck 68413856%FL
Uncle Lino 48353369%MD
Uncle Mo (9) 24319417170%KY
Uncle Vinny 19151158%TX
Unfettered 31133%OH
Unified 85450%KY
Union Rags 43272660%KY
Union's Destiny 4000%VI
Unusual Heatwave 222100%CA
Upstart 15313612884%KY
Uptown Rythem 53360%CA
Uptowncharlybrown 28171657%PA
Valiant Minister 2012945%FL
Vampiro (MEX) 2000%TX
Vaporetto 21150%PR
Vekoma (1) 21316315472%KY
Venezuelan Hug 94222%NY
Vengeful Wildcat 74457%MB
Very Cool 105550%OK
Vice Lord 111100%CO
Victor's Cry 6000%IN
Victory Cup 21150%UT
Vino Rosso 17112411567%KY
Vinyards Dream 111100%VA
Violence 134895440%KY
Viper 222100%KY
Visionit 94444%TX
Visitant 555100%CA
Volatile 16513111670%KY
Vulcan's Forge 1000%OK
Waiting 18141478%NY
Waitingallmylife 111100%OR
War Bond 32267%WY
War Dancer 72514867%NY
War Eagle 1000%LA
War Front 70554260%KY
War of Will 84746476%KY
War Power 3000%WA
Warrior's Charge 43272558%NY
Warrior's Reward 30161033%PA
Watershed 64467%PR
Weigelia 32232269%PA
Welcome West 2000%SD
Well Positioned 222100%IL
Well Spelled 555100%PA
Wells Bayou 21150%OK
Wendy Wend 21150%TN
West Coast 138862%KY
West Road 81113%OK
Westbound 111100%NE
Westover Wildcat 666100%MN
What Now 2000%IN
Whence 52120%LA
Whisper to Curlin 7000%LA
Whistler Mtn Gold 222100%VA
White Ice G E S 111100%PA
White Out G E S 1000%CO
Why Not Be Perfect 65583%OR
Wicked Strong 26151350%PA
Wilburn 42250%OK
Wild Schamus 111100%NJ
William's Kitten 76686%OH
Win the Space 2000%CA
Win Win Win 77424052%FL
Winchill 33181855%PA
Wise Curlin 51120%WY
World of Trouble 26201765%KY
Xixixi 555100%WV
Y. C. Rail 444100%SK
Yaupon 20216915778%KY
Yockey's Warrior 66583%LA
Yorkton 28242382%KY
Yoshida (JPN) 34201853%KY
Young Thomas 111100%TX
You're to Blame 35323189%PR
Z J Wins 1000%KY
Z Lucky 222100%IN
Zafir 1111982%LA
Zipman 111100%OH
Zong 17116%AR

Other years available: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997

(Note: Figures in parentheses next to Mares Bred indicate the number of mares bred to the stallion on Southern Hemisphere time.)

The Jockey Club does not represent this information as purporting to describe the fertility of any Thoroughbred stallion.

Copyright ©2025, The Jockey Club. Data provided by The Jockey Club is generally accurate but occasionally errors occur as a result of incorrect data received from others, mistakes in processing, and other causes. The Jockey Club shall have no responsibility or liability for the consequences, if any, of such errors, but would appreciate them being called to its attention.