Breeding Statistics

Breeding Statistics --- 2019

    Stallion        Mares Bred    Reports Received     Live Foals     Percent Live Foals    State
A Shin Forward 87788%NY
A. P. Ridge 111100%TX
Aaron's Way 94444%WV
Abendlied 111100%TX
Abraaj 138862%WA
Abstraction 35252571%NM
Accelerate 16713912575%KY
Acclamation 29252586%CA
Achikulak 777100%FL
Act of War 4000%OK
Adams Circle 111100%NY
Added Edge 111100%OH
Adios Charlie 117706354%FL
Affirmatif 2000%OK
Affirmative 111100%CA
Afleet Alex 25141248%KY
Afleet Bob 6200%TX
Afrashad 222100%UT
Aikenite 53360%KY
Ain't Bad At All 1000%NM
Air Force Blue 90695662%KY
Air Pocket 51120%CA
Airoforce 102220%PA
Aisle Return 111100%KS
Al Faatik 33267%OR
Al Khali 74457%NY
Albano 1000%OK
Albert the Gold 1411964%PR
Albertus Maximus 111100%KY
Aldrin 41302766%WV
Algorithms 148750%KY
Ali 1000%NJ
Allaboutdreams 111100%AL
Alliance 118873%MD
Allstar Dancer 31133%TX
Alluvial 5000%IL
Alpha 86675%NY
Alphie's Bet 1000%CA
Alsono 1100%NM
Alternation 68514465%KY
Always Dreaming 16514313179%KY
Amazing Results 1000%IN
American Champ 2000%TX
American Freedom 96796871%KY
American Pharoah 17814812570%KY
American Trust 4000%ID
Amira's Prince (IRE) 16121169%FL
Ami's Flatter 106550%FL
Amis Gizmo 198842%ON
Ami's Holiday 23161670%ON
Anchor Down 35282571%KY
Animal Kingdom 40293075%KY
Animo de Valeroso 117764%OH
Ante Up 111100%PR
Anthony's Cross 154427%CA
Apache Park 121212100%CO
Apriority 21191990%LA
Aquarian Cat 4000%KY
Arcade 2000%IL
Archwarrior 85563%NM
Arctic Bright View 222100%ON
Arghad 1310754%PR
Army Mule 14010810474%KY
Arpista 114436%ON
Arrogate 15113411375%KY
Artful Run 222100%NM
Artistic Song 3000%OK
As de Trebol 179847%FL
Astern (AUS) 90756168%KY
Astrology 47363472%LA
Atreides 19111158%KY
Atta Boy Roy 118873%WA
Attempted Humor 32133%LA
Attila's Storm 40333178%NM
Aurelian 1000%MO
Authoritively 333100%CA
Awesome Again 3100%KY
Awesome Bet 1000%LA
Awesome Hero 222100%AR
Awesome Indian 32267%NM
Awesome of Course 115545%FL
Awesome Patriot 96667%OH
Awesome Slew 62373455%FL
Awesomechristopher 2000%TX
Axiomatic 88563%NM
Ay Pa 1000%PR
Aztec Slew 1100%TX
Bachelor of Arts (GB) 222100%ID
Backstabber 96667%OK
Backtalk 54480%FL
Bahamian Squall 29191759%FL
Bakken 20131260%BC
Bal a Bali (BRZ) 74645270%KY
Balance the Books 111100%CA
Ballado's Gold 43375%WV
Balmont 75571%AB
Baltimore Bob 119873%MD
Bandbox 27211763%MD
Bank Heist 167744%NY
Baptistry 32133%MI
Barbados 108880%MD
Baryshnikov 444100%IN
Baseball Card Kid 64467%ND
Bashaar 111100%LA
Battalion Runner 139969%FL
Battle Cat 31133%AB
Bayern 48382450%KY
Beau Choix 73114%FL
Beautyinthepulpit 444100%NY
Bedford Falls 111100%CA
Bee Jersey 61443761%KY
Beer Garden 1110655%PR
Behesht (FR) 42250%KY
Behindatthebar 82225%TX
Behold de Buy 1100%CO
Bellamy Road 32242063%NY
Belmont Hills 1000%AR
Belomor 888100%FL
Beltany 2000%KY
Bench Maker 333100%AR
Bench the Judge 74343%AB
Bent Tree 31133%KS
Beowulf Divine 222100%BC
Bernardini 13511410074%KY
Beta Capo 44250%TX
Betelo 111100%TX
Bethel 31133%NY
Bidder Dreams 2000%LA
Big Atlantic 51120%OH
Big Bad Leroybrown 85563%CA
Big Bad Mike 72229%IL
Big Blue Kitten 2819932%KY
Big Brown 42323071%NY
Big Drama 54360%FL
Big Lightning 2100%AB
Big Screen 109990%ON
Big Surf 2000%CA
Billy's Star 111100%ON
Bim Bam 5000%AB
Bind 106550%LA
Bingo Kitten 87450%PR
Biogenic 666100%KY
Biondetti 88788%OH
Bird Song 20171365%KY
Birdrun 64467%OH
Birdstone 83338%KY
Bismarck Tullio 32267%FL
Bizarro 33267%PR
Black Eagle 84450%ON
Black Onyx 42250%FL
Black Stash 222100%FL
Blame 112927769%KY
Blank Check 333100%NC
Blaze Buster 222100%AR
Blazonry 111100%CA
Blofeld 33303091%MD
Bluegrass Cat 131313100%CA
Bluegrass Stout 1100%IN
Blues Squirrel 1000%FL
Blueskiesnrainbows 1810950%OK
Boadini 31133%AB
Boat Trip 116545%CA
Bobalicious 42250%WV
Bocephus 43375%AZ
Bodemeister 42333276%KY
Boisterous 27212178%CA
Bold Chieftain 128867%CA
Bold Red 44250%OH
Bold Storm 22150%FL
Bold Truth 111100%OH
Bold Warrior 32133%KY
Bolt d'Oro 21418516879%KY
Bonfire Romance 22150%TX
Bookies Luck 111100%CA
Boone Land 6000%MS
Boos 54480%AZ
Boundless 5000%MN
Bourbon Courage 27232178%MD
Box Score 63350%CA
Boys At Tosconova 101010100%NY
Bradester 32202063%TX
Brahms 185528%AR
Brave 101110%PR
Brave Cat 1000%PA
Brave Dave 44375%LA
Brave 'n Away 6000%IL
Brave Victory 31133%CA
Brethren 78464558%FL
Bricktown Cat 21150%OK
Broad Rule 444100%PA
Brody's Cause 63484470%KY
Broken Vow 26222181%KY
Bronze Star 3000%CA
Brooks 'n Down 84450%FL
Brusilov 53120%PR
Bucchero 131756650%FL
Buckwheat Bob 75571%FL
Buffum 84225%MD
Bull Krazy 21150%CO
Bullet Gone Astray 666100%FL
Bullsbay 43375%PA
Bushwacker 32267%WY
Bustin Stones 53302649%NY
Bye Bye Crafty 111100%IN
C Denaly 111100%CO
Cabo Lobo 111100%FL
Cage Fighter 1000%MD
Cairo Prince 15213212180%KY
Cajun Breeze 40322973%FL
Cal Nation 104330%PA
Caleb's Posse 37262670%OK
Calibrachoa 444100%LA
California Chrome 14311410171%KY
Call Kristian 2000%PR
Call Me George 21150%LA
Camelot Kitten 85450%NY
Cameo Appearance 2000%LA
Can the Man 26191869%KY
Candy Dandy 41125%OK
Candy Ride (ARG) 16114512678%KY
Cape Canaveral 239730%AB
Capital Account 19151368%CA
Capitol Guy 555100%NM
Capo Bastone 169850%KY
Cappuccino Express 111100%FL
Captain Bodgit 112218%ND
Captain Cade 1000%NJ
Captain Countdown 51120%TX
Car Talk (IRE) 43375%AB
Carnacks Choice 111100%OH
Carpe Diem 1301069170%KY
Cartoon 32267%FL
Casanova Star 9000%PR
Casual Al 1000%TX
Cat Burglar 44322659%CA
Catalina Red 16131381%LA
Catomize 111100%NY
Cavvy 111100%OK
Central Banker 1301119674%NY
Chamois 555100%AL
Champ Pegasus 4100%CA
Charming Assassin 444100%AB
Chart Topper 73343%ON
Chemistry 3000%SD
Chester's Choice 111100%AZ
Chief Big Heart 111100%OK
Chipshot 111100%NM
Chitoz 65583%OK
Chitu 45262351%FL
Chosen Deputy 44125%IL
Cigar Street 15111173%KY
Cinco Charlie 77403343%KY
Cindysmiracle 3000%IL
Circumference (IRE) 208840%CA
City At Midnight 111100%NM
City of Light 14613210371%KY
City Weekend 666100%OH
City Wolf 168850%CA
City Zippin 63350%MI
Clarke Lane 1000%TX
Class Warfare 111100%TX
Classic Empire 104867370%KY
Classy Gent 31133%MN
Clearly Now 23171774%LA
Clever Cal 2000%FL
Closing Argument 65583%LA
Cloud Computing 17112811768%KY
Clubhouse Ride 16111063%CA
C'Mon Boys (GB) 111100%IA
C'Mon Tiger 2000%UT
Co Ferment 121218%CO
Coach Billy G. 1212867%PR
Coach Bob 555100%CA
Coast Guard 20121260%WA
Coastline 999100%CA
Code West 33252370%OK
Cogito 111100%CA
Coin Flip 189844%OK
Collected 15614312278%KY
Collins Dream 1000%TX
Comfort 26161558%NM
Coming by Ya Now (AUS) 1000%ID
Commander's Shoes 73229%AR
Commissioner 106676258%KY
Commonwealth Rush 7000%IL
Competitive Edge 66383147%KY
Conan 111100%AL
Concorde's Appeal 1000%ID
Congaree 106550%TX
Congo 111100%VI
Congrats 66504365%KY
Conmovedor 1000%PR
Connect 112877971%KY
Conquest Curlinate 21150%ON
Conquest Farenheit 31232271%CA
Conquest Mo Money 21151571%NM
Consistentlyafleet 1000%TX
Console 36292981%PR
Conspiracy 16131275%PR
Constitution 85746576%KY
Conveyance 23171565%KY
Cordon 131313100%FL
Corfu 25161248%OH
Coronet of a Baron 21150%PA
Costa Rising 32267%LA
Counterforce 25141352%BC
Country Be Gold 4000%IL
Country Day 24181875%LA
County Ruckus 2000%AB
Courageous Cat 555100%NY
Court Vision 32151238%LA
Couture Colors 42250%TN
Cowtown Cat 20161680%OH
Cozar 41125%PA
Crash Course 42250%OK
Creative Capital 2000%AR
Creative Cause 95827276%KY
Crider 21150%LA
Crimson Comic 111100%OH
Crimsovertimeflyer 4000%MI
Cross Traffic 18814312969%KY
Crossbow 21150%TX
Crown Delite 32267%NY
Crown of Thorns 42250%PA
Csaba 136646%IN
Cuba 147750%MD
Cullasaja King 1000%PA
Cupid 53343158%KY
Curandero 51120%TX
Curlin 12911710078%KY
Curlin to Mischief 35222057%CA
Custom for Carlos 57423867%LA
Cyber Secret 52240%AR
Cyclotron 222100%CA
D' Funnybone 97778%MI
Da Big Hoss 96556%OH
Da Stoops 32313%OK
Daaher 22131150%LA
Daareb 5000%OK
Daddy Long Legs 59383153%KY
Daddy Nose Best 24161458%CA
Dads Caps 46302963%CA
Dad'z Laugh 111100%PR
Dance Hall Doctor 43375%CA
Danger Bay 111100%ON
Danish Dynaformer 25151352%ON
Danza 42272355%KY
Danzing Candy 115878372%CA
Daraybi (FR) 333100%CA
Daredevil 21171676%KY
Dark Kestrel 111100%OH
Dashing Warrior 1000%LA
David Copperfield 33267%OH
Day of Destiny 43375%SK
Dazzlin Romeo 1000%AB
Decibel 7000%AR
Decisive Moment 333100%FL
Declan's Warrior 82225%WV
Declassify 81113%AB
Deemie Do It 111100%WV
Delhomme 65467%NM
Deliver the Storm 32267%AR
Demon Warlock 1000%WA
Denis of Cork 16121275%WV
Den's Legacy 35262674%OK
Desert Code 139862%CA
Desert Party 129975%NY
Desert Storm 5000%VI
Destin 84504554%NY
Diabolical 136646%NM
Dialed In 107877469%KY
Diamond 105440%OK
Directs Unique One 111100%OK
Distorted Humor 97836769%KY
Distorted Reality 31133%AZ
Divide and Conquer 164425%AL
Divining Rod 45323067%MD
Dixie Banner 333100%IA
Dixie Chatter 31133%OK
Dnieper 42250%TX
Do the Roar 222100%FL
Doc N Bubba G 222100%AL
Doctor Chit 222100%OK
Doctor Romane 64350%TX
Dolphus 93333%PA
Dome 138862%NM
Domestic Dispute 1100%IN
Dominique's Cat 31133%NM
Domino Effect 21150%OK
Domino Run 2000%TX
Dominus 29191862%KY
Don Lux 4000%NM
Don Paco 1311862%PR
Don Six 3000%NJ
Done Talking 208840%SC
Don't Cross Me 111100%NY
Don'tsellmeshort 43375%CA
Dortmund 179847%MD
Dosificado (CHI) 30151447%CA
Double Irish 35222160%AR
Double Talk 1000%LA
Dowsing (JPN) 179953%IN
Dr Large 75571%NY
Dr. Mojo 1000%TX
Dr. Skimming 3000%UT
Dr. Smarty Jack 84450%NM
Dramedy 199947%OK
Dreaming of Gold 333100%PR
Dreamsrunwild 111100%LA
Drewssasin 1100%LA
Drill 1410964%FL
Drill Sergeant 31133%IL
Drums of Thunder 111100%TX
D's Wando 1000%ON
Duc d'Orleans 1000%TX
Due Date 111100%LA
Duke of the City 111100%NJ
During 1000%WV
D'wildcat 22150%LA
Dynamic Impact 117655%OR
Dynamic Sky 42250%ON
Eagle 16141488%TX
Early Flyer 64467%TX
Earths Vain Shadow 111100%OK
Eastwood 13111185%PA
Easy Friend 1000%OK
Eckelson 21150%IN
Eclipticalspraline 87788%FL
Eddington 43375%CA
Edison 149964%SK
Editorial 97778%MD
Egyptian Warrior 222100%KY
El Caballo 32267%NE
El Deal 29232276%LA
El Gran Joyful 111100%SD
El Puma 111100%TN
El Roblar 222100%CO
El Suri 44375%PR
Elegant Cat 1000%NM
Elite Squadron 41125%IN
Elmazeed 31133%CO
Elnaawi 16121063%IN
Eltheeb 111100%VI
Elusive Hour 42250%MI
Elusive Journey 22150%CA
Elusive Story 21150%PA
Elusive Warning 107770%CA
Emeritus 111100%CA
Empire Maker 12611310079%KY
Empire of d'Nile 53360%CA
Empire Way 94444%CA
Encaustic 3000%NY
Energetico 3000%AB
English Channel 1151008574%KY
Ents Dream 31133%LA
Eslin 1000%MT
Estevan 8000%SK
Etesaal 94222%TX
Ethnic Dance 199947%CA
Euroears 189950%OK
Europe 111100%IN
Even the Score 41125%KY
Exaggerator 1291069372%KY
Excalibur Fox 111100%BC
Excaper 17141482%OK
Excess Capital 111100%MT
Excess Power 2000%CA
Excessive Passion 112200%NM
Exciting Metro 41125%NM
Exclusive Quality 20131260%WV
Exhi 6000%AR
Expect a Lot 115545%TX
Eye of the Leopard 127758%MN
Ez Dreamer 41125%AZ
Ez Effort 42332969%AZ
Factum 86675%OH
Fall of Troy 111100%TX
Fan the Flame 2000%AR
Far From Over 23181565%CA
Farewell Party 111100%MO
Fast Anna 74565372%KY
Fast Freight 2000%AZ
Favorite Bid 222100%CO
Fearless Eagle 2100%TX
Fed Biz 35272777%KY
Feels All Right (IRE) 333100%FL
Fiber Sonde 38202053%WV
Fiddlers Afleet 111100%NY
Fidelito 222100%CA
Field Commission 206735%FL
Fierce Wind 222100%VA
Fighting Hussar 12111192%CA
Final Row (GB) 222100%TX
Finale 666100%NM
Finality 555100%BC
Finally Cash 111100%WA
Fine Print 111100%FL
Firespike 99333%AB
Firing Line 45181431%KY
First Dude 71484462%FL
First Samurai 61534879%KY
Five Iron 96667%AR
Flashback 22141359%PA
Flashpoint 85563%LA
Flashy Wise Cat 111100%LA
Flat Out 48282552%KY
Flatter 76676282%KY
Flintshire (GB) 69554870%KY
Flying Cheetah 2000%KS
Flying Pegasus 111100%PA
Focal Point 3000%CO
Ford Every Stream 222100%MN
Foreign Policy 115545%OK
Forest Attack 17000%IL
Forest Command 64467%CA
Forest Meadow 222100%ON
Forest Mouse 32267%NM
Forest Peace 111100%CO
Forever d'Oro 31121239%IN
Formidable 107660%IA
Fornasetti 3000%CO
Fort Larned 17141165%KY
Fort Loudon 74343%FL
Forty Grams 333100%FL
Forty Tales 444100%NY
Frac Daddy 38242258%ON
Frank Conversation 70444159%NY
Free Drop Billy 82625668%KY
Freedom Child 32267%MD
Freud 56343257%NY
Friend Or Foe 83225%VA
Friesan Fire 32252475%MD
Frost Giant 16111169%NY
Frosted 14412810774%KY
Full Moon 111100%AL
Full Regalia 1000%CA
Fullbridled 103330%CA
Fun and Fancy Free 1000%VA
Funtastic 27252385%KY
Fury Kapcori 94444%FL
Fusaichi Pegasus 53360%KY
Fusaichi Zenon (JPN) 86675%NM
Future 31133%KY
G G Flag 43375%NM
G. W.'s d'Oro 31133%LA
G. W.'s Skippie 31133%AR
Gabriel Charles 97778%CA
Galapagos 222100%PA
Gallant Son 32267%CA
Galvan 333100%PR
Gamble's Exchange 555100%ON
Game Ball 2000%WV
Game On 111100%VI
Gandhi 43375%WV
Garnered 1000%WV
Gary D 222100%FL
Gato Del Oro 62233%CA
Gattopardo 179953%WV
Gayego 168850%AB
Gazebo 2000%MN
Gem Heist 888100%CA
Gemologist 48342552%LA
Gen Stormin'norman 2000%NM
General a Rod 63350%IN
Gentle Tap 31133%OK
Gentlemen's Bet 20121050%AR
Gerryssundayspirit 1000%OR
Gervinho 111100%CA
Get Rich Quick 141414100%PR
Get Stormy 86555362%KY
Ghaaleb 19171053%IL
Ghostzapper 1401029568%KY
Ghurair 21150%TX
Giacomo 174424%OR
Giacomore 1000%LA
Giant Beltway 6000%OK
Giant Fun 333100%LA
Giant Gizmo 1510960%ON
Giant Hit 21150%LA
Giant Surprise 96667%NY
Gig Harbor 29242483%CA
Gio Ponti 13101077%KY
Girvin 14910910671%FL
Glasnost 666100%IN
Global Express 1000%SK
Global Power 13101077%OH
Global Response 106660%FL
Glynne Royale 2000%MT
Go Red Go 1000%TX
Going Commando 139969%MB
Gold Aly 21150%WA
Gold Finish 222100%MI
Gold for Cash 73343%IN
Gold Gift 111100%PR
Gold Prospector 222100%CA
Gold Ranger 111100%TX
Gold Rush Dancer 22131359%WA
Gold Schleiger 111100%NE
Golddigger's Boy 83338%PA
Golden Balls (IRE) 333100%CA
Golden Child 21150%CA
Golden Lad 89534955%MD
Golden Ridge 6000%SK
Golden Ticket 42250%NY
Golden Years 24131354%WV
Goldencents 24021018577%KY
Gone Astray 176635%FL
Gone Clubbing 111100%VA
Good Magic 16414713482%KY
Good Samaritan 16212111470%KY
Gormley 127887660%KY
Gospel Tiz Key 666100%OK
Got the Last Laugh 82225%PA
Gotham City 21150%WA
Gottcha Gold 63350%AB
Govenor Charlie 65583%CA
Grace Upon Grace 64350%CA
Gran Duque 31133%SC
Grand Marshall 222100%LA
Grand Minstrel 333100%CO
Grasshopper 94444%TX
Gray Meteor 9000%SD
Graydar 25171352%KY
Grazen 74565372%CA
Great Exuma 6000%ND
Great Notion 76565471%MD
Great Stuff 74457%CA
Greatness 32267%FL
Greek Sun 133323%NY
Greeley's Conquest 1310969%IN
Greenpointcrusader 31181548%FL
Grey Swallow (IRE) 54360%KY
Greyvitos 31133%CA
Guest Star 72114%IL
Guilt Trip 25151456%LA
Gun Power 4000%IN
Gun Runner 16613712072%KY
Gunner's View (GB) 111100%TX
Guys Reward 41125%IN
Half Ours 44383375%LA
Hamazing Destiny 72229%AR
Handsome Mike 52332956%FL
Hangover Kid 21150%MD
Harbor Master 62233%PR
Harbor the Gold 35242263%OR
Harborage 33267%LA
Hard Aces 25171352%LA
Hard Promises 33267%MA
Hard Spun 15514312581%KY
Harlan's Pure 24232396%PR
Harry's Holiday 25141456%IN
Hawk's Eyes (BRZ) 111100%CA
Hay Listen Up 111100%MB
He Be Fire N Ice 21201467%CA
Heat Shield 86563%CA
Heavenly Chorus 86675%AB
Heaven's Glory (JPN) 6000%CA
Hehaz Given 2000%WI
Heir Joe 1000%WY
Hello Broadway 54480%FL
Here's Zealous 222100%NY
Hero of Order 51120%KY
He's Had Enough 177741%FL
Hesinfront 4000%NM
Hey Chub 102220%NJ
Hiddekel 111100%IN
Hidden Blessing 1000%CA
High Constable 444100%KY
Highly Justin 111100%IL
Hightail 147750%AR
Hit It a Bomb 20161680%KY
Hockenheim 22121150%PR
Hogskin 2000%TX
Holiday Justice 43375%NE
Holiday Promise 222100%KY
Hollywood Don 1514533%NM
Holmes 52240%NM
Holy Boss 35252469%MD
Holy Buckets 111100%BC
Holy Lute 1010770%NM
Holy One of Israel 2200%FL
Home of the Brave 26191973%OK
Hon. de Leon 2000%PR
Honor Code 1381209569%KY
Honorable Dillon 117764%NY
Hook Em 44375%NM
Hooks Crossing 32267%LA
Hooper 111100%OK
Hoorayforhollywood 21150%CA
Hootenanny 18141478%KY
Hoppertunity 129888465%PA
Hostile Cruz 222100%PA
Hostile Takeover 32267%OH
Houseofroyalhearts 53360%WA
Hyper 53240%ON
Hyperion Tap 111100%TX
I Spent It 111111100%OK
I Will Score 64467%NE
Ice Box 222100%KY
Icon Ike 86675%AR
Ide Like a Double 21150%LA
Idiot Proof 18131372%CA
Il Postino 61117%NJ
Il Villano 53360%PA
Iliad 146536%AB
I'll Have Another 42373686%CA
I'm Lock N Load 22150%CA
I'm So Lucky 51120%IN
I'm Steppin' It Up 93222%MD
Imagining 48373369%MD
Imma Wild Bling 1000%TX
Imperialism 94444%AB
In Summation 85563%FL
Include 24181563%KY
Incognito Bandito 1000%MN
Indestructible 2000%NM
Indian Express 333100%OH
Indian Ocean 111100%MA
Indy 3100%AL
Indy Wind 75571%OH
Interactif 75571%LA
Into Mischief 26722520476%KY
Investigator 32133%TN
Iqbaal 32267%KY
Irish Rogue 111100%AZ
Irish Surf 75571%FL
Irish War Cry 83615667%MD
Iron Fist 35151234%LA
Iron Halo (ARG) 222100%NM
Ironicus 23151357%KY
It's a Danzig 8000%SK
It's No Joke 145536%AB
Itsmyluckyday 1210867%KY
Itsthesameoldsong 16121275%OH
Izzie's Halo 111100%LA
Izzy's Proud Man 33267%KY
J J's Lucky Train 63117%VA
J. R. Stormy 111100%NE
Jack Milton 31212065%KY
Jac's Fact 111100%OH
Jake La Gold 1000%WA
James Street 77457%CA
Java's War 106440%KY
Jay Gatsby 18131372%LA
Jazzman's Prospect 111100%OK
Jeranimo 33141442%CA
Jersey Town 23181774%CA
Jess's Dream 76464357%FL
Jimmy Creed 1381049065%KY
Joe's Son Joey 97556%LA
Jonesboro 135431%AR
Juba 49242347%WV
Judge Bill 32267%NE
Jump Start 37271951%PA
Jungle Beat (IRE) 444100%FL
Jungle Jumble 2000%FL
Just a Coincidence 18151372%AR
Just Imagine 2000%NM
Justify 25219718071%KY
Justin Phillip 73114%KY
K O Ito 2000%WA
Kafwain 222100%CA
Kantharos 17114613579%KY
Kaput 1000%OK
Karakontie (JPN) 69585072%KY
Karun (VEN) 139862%KY
Kate's Event 111100%CA
Katz My Song 25141456%FL
Keen Ice 73615373%KY
Keep Up 22150%KY
Kela 32267%MN
Kennedy 555100%OH
Kentucky Bear 97778%MB
Kentucky Dane 54360%OH
Kera's Kitten 1100%PR
Kettle Corn 15111067%OH
Khozan 109847972%FL
Kick On 5000%OK
Killargue 53120%FL
King Bull 106660%NM
King Cha Cha 3100%ND
King of Jazz (ARG) 149964%CA
King of the Roxy 111100%OH
Kirkendahl 1000%IA
Kiss the Ghost 43375%OH
Kiss the Kid 43375%OH
Kitten's Joy 14912710570%KY
Klimt 18714713472%KY
Kobe's Back 17111165%MD
Koh I Noor 32267%LA
Kumiva 65233%KS
La Reserve 1000%CA
Lakerville 31171755%CA
Lantana Mob 20121155%IN
Laoban 72595374%NY
Last Draw 222100%CA
Latent Heat 16121275%OK
Latigo Shore 52240%NM
Laugh Track 52292956%NM
Laughing Charlie 97667%CO
Laurie's Rocket 21101048%AR
Lea 68544668%KY
Learn (IRE) 18111161%FL
Legal Authority 222100%CA
Lemon Drop Kid 36302775%KY
Lemon Drop Mousse 3000%SK
Lent 189950%BC
Lentenor 21150%IN
Lewis Michael 145214%LA
Liaison 54424074%OK
Liam's Map 1331059672%KY
Liberty Lover 54480%NM
Light Up the Score 1000%TX
Lightnin N Thunder 111100%CA
Limehouse 26191662%WV
Linchpin 147750%WA
Line of Heat 206630%BC
Liquor Cabinet (IRE) 32267%OK
Little Lute 43375%OH
Littleexpectations 1000%TX
Live in Joy 31133%TX
Lively Sea Knight 1000%FL
Lo Maximo 21150%PR
Local Legend 7000%SK
Lockout 52240%OK
Lone Star Special 15111173%LA
Long On Value 30201963%FL
Long River 39262564%MD
Lookin At Lucky 1341089269%KY
Lord Lochinvar 54480%WA
Lord Nelson 131928666%KY
Lord Shanakill 24121146%PA
Lost Canyon (GB) 5000%AB
Lotsa Mischief 32303094%AZ
Louis Arthur 222100%AZ
Louis James 111100%PA
Louisiana Glitter 111100%FL
Love Bully 111100%AL
Love Who 111100%NJ
Loveofthegame 157747%NE
Lucky Strike G S F 111100%VA
Lucky Tiz 111100%LA
Lulu Rocks 1000%WV
Lutes Gift 444100%WA
Machen 169956%WV
Macho Rocket 112218%AR
Macho Uno 169850%KY
Maclean's Music 1271099877%KY
Maddy Bird 63350%OH
Madefromlucky 58383255%MD
Magical Eight 2000%TX
Magick Dancer 111100%FL
Magna Graduate 16141381%OK
Magnificent Max (GB) 111100%OH
Maimonides 196526%OK
Majestic City 47272757%NY
Majestic Harbor 18121267%CA
Majestic Hussar 20141365%OK
Major Big Time 111100%CO
Major League 21150%SD
Make Reservations 1000%NY
Make Your Mark 1000%OH
Malibu Moon 13110910379%KY
Man On the Street 21150%OK
Mania A. 31133%PR
Mank 17000%AB
Many Rivers 75457%CA
March Twelth 41125%MN
Margie's Wildcat 222100%AZ
Marine Landing 159960%AB
Mark Valeski 18161372%KY
Market Rally 1000%NY
Marking 60282745%NM
Marshallofthistown 111100%UT
Marty All Nite 111100%MS
Master James 444100%NY
Master Rick 2000%WV
Master Singer 74343%FL
Mastery 14312510775%KY
Matanzas Inlet 111100%FL
Matthewsburg 65467%TX
Matt's Broken Vow 1100%MN
Matzoh Toga 111100%LA
Mawthooq 7000%MT
Max Forever 32133%AB
Maximus Gold 22150%VA
McCraken 105784240%KY
Mean Season 107550%LA
Medaglia d'Oro 12811410179%KY
Medal Count 17101059%KY
Medallist 94444%PA
Mendelssohn 25220717569%KY
Merit Man 25212184%CA
Mesa Thunder 222100%CA
Micromanage 19111053%NY
Midnight Crooner 6000%OK
Midnight Lute 118988370%KY
Midnight Storm 88645765%KY
Midnite Poppa 55360%AB
Midshipman 117897766%KY
Milwaukee Brew 65583%ON
Miners Back 1000%SC
Mineshaft 76554964%KY
Ministers Wild Cat 16101063%CA
Mio d'Oro 2000%WV
Miraculousmo 31133%TX
Misremembered 63434368%CA
Missing Element 222100%FL
Mission Impazible 31181445%NY
Mister Dance 32267%LA
Mister Lucky Cat 17171588%OK
Mister Trickster 111100%WA
Misty'sgoldentouch 111100%CA
Mixmaster 111100%OH
Mizzen Mast 27191659%KY
Mo for the Money 24111146%AR
Mo Tom 45332862%LA
Mo Town 14411210573%KY
Mobil 16101063%OH
Mobile Bay 295517%LA
Mohaymen 52402854%KY
Monba 11100%IN
Mondavi 52240%IN
Monhocracy 222100%NE
Monster Mash 85563%WV
Monterey Jazz 1510960%NM
Moon Thunder 111100%TX
Moonshine Mullin 16121169%AR
Mor Spirit 17612811465%KY
More Than Ready 13711910879%KY
Moro Tap 42201843%TX
Mosler 42312969%MD
Mosquito 2000%AL
Mr Louise 44375%FL
Mr O'Prado 444100%AB
Mr Speaker 46333065%KY
Mr. Besilu 123325%TX
Mr. Big 51363467%CA
Mr. Gold Mover 222100%NM
Mr. Indy 2000%PR
Mr. Prankster 333100%WV
Mr. Rancho Vista 222100%WA
Mr. Recio 97556%AB
Mr. Sinatra 2000%IN
Mr. Trieste 32267%NM
Mr. Z 23161461%KY
Mrazek 179953%CA
Mshawish 68524769%KY
Mucho Macho Man 95655558%KY
Mughaadir 62233%NM
Munasaaq 21150%PR
Munnings 20216914974%KY
Musaiter 127758%NM
Music Amusing 111100%FL
Music City 111100%OH
Musical Marque 2000%VA
Musketier (GER) 1611850%KY
Must Be Fair 111100%TX
Mutawaazy 222100%AB
My Golden Song 23141461%TX
My Italian Ex 111100%IA
My Johnny Be Good 55480%FL
My Pal Charlie 65583%LA
Mystic Replica 222100%PA
N. R. Chubby 222100%CO
Nacimiento 32267%NM
National Anthem (GB) 222100%PA
National Flag 36211953%OH
Nationhood 65583%WA
Native Ruler 86450%IA
Neck 'n Neck 17121059%IN
Neolithic 62373455%FL
Nephrite (GB) 111100%ON
Newport 333100%IA
Next Bandit 31133%NM
Niagara Causeway 65583%KY
Niagara Falls 41125%CA
Nicki's Winston 21150%NM
Nile Runner 1000%SC
Nite Light 12118%PR
No Hesitation 444100%AB
No Never No More 17111165%MD
Noble Bird 44252250%FL
Noble Mission (GB) 93796570%KY
Noles 111100%VA
Nonios 29161552%MB
Norfield 31133%OK
Normandy Invasion 47342553%KY
North Light (IRE) 2100%KY
Northern Account 2000%SK
Northern Causeway 32252578%CA
Northern Soldier 52120%WY
Not Abroad 42250%MD
Not Bourbon 18131161%ON
Not This Time 87706474%KY
Notional 128758%IN
Notta Bay 1100%MI
Nownownow 54360%LA
Nublado Bling 9000%TX
Numaany 23151461%BC
Nyquist 15614112580%KY
Ocean Knight 16141275%LA
Oh Tanner 111100%CA
Ol' Sarge 31133%TX
Old Forester 38231847%ON
Ole Rebel 1100%LA
Omega Code 43375%AB
On Board Again 142214%AB
One Go All Go 1000%KY
One Liner 115218%LA
One Mean Man 63350%IN
Onebadshark 111100%WY
Oops No Name 21150%IN
Optimizer 21171467%KY
Orb 28212175%KY
Orbiting 102220%NM
Ordained 14111071%AR
Orthodox 444100%LA
Oscar Performance 1181028875%KY
Osiris of the Nile 333100%CA
Our Celebration 111100%AL
Our Entourage 84450%WV
Our Golden Genius 111100%VA
Ours Again 222100%FL
Outflanker 43375%MD
Outlash 54480%CO
Outrageouslyfunny 222100%KY
Outwork 102776968%KY
Overanalyze 43353479%KY
Oxbow 23171357%KY
Pacific Sun 111100%WA
Painted Tree 111100%TX
Painting Freedom 222100%NC
Palace 120858067%KY
Palace Malice 91656066%KY
Pancho R. 222100%PR
Panicum 333100%MI
Papa John D. 2000%NM
Parker's Storm Cat 21150%WA
Pass Rush 148857%IN
Passion for Action 1510853%ON
Passion for Gold 50343468%CA
Paynter 97766668%KY
Peace and Justice 53383770%PA
Penitent Man 4000%MB
Peppered Cat 1000%CA
Perfect Circle 6000%MI
Perfect Soul (IRE) 128650%KY
Perfect Timber 15141067%ON
Personal Interest 333100%FL
Perusal 1000%VA
Petionville 53360%MD
Petition for Gold 21150%NE
Phantom Light 3000%TN
Phone Home 21150%NM
Phoneforchampagne 1000%LA
Pick of the Litter 109990%LA
Pick Six 3000%TX
Pimpernel 83338%LA
Pioneerof the Nile 48423573%KY
Platinum Pharaoh 3000%NM
Point Defiance 3000%WY
Point Encounter 75571%CA
Point of Entry 66534568%KY
Point Piper 87788%CA
Pomatini 1100%AR
Pontiff 17111165%WA
Pool Play 111100%ON
Pop Artist 111100%BC
Poseidons Gift 44375%SK
Poseidon's Warrior 31181342%KY
Posse Hawk 1000%AR
Power by Far 31133%PA
Power Jam 97333%LA
Power Storm 2000%TX
Practical Joke 20015213668%KY
Prayer for Relief 188739%IN
Preachinatthebar 111100%WA
Preferred Issue 32267%TX
Premeditation 2000%NM
Princeps Senatus 32267%ON
Private Gold 53360%WA
Proceed 148750%NM
Prodical Extreme 5000%TX
Producer (GB) 999100%KY
Prom Shoes 43375%AR
Prominence 42250%FL
Prospect Park 39312974%CA
Prospective 1911947%FL
Protonico 23201670%KY
Proudinsky (GER) 32267%LA
Publican 1000%KS
Puck 111100%LA
Punctuate 16121169%NM
Pure White Gold 33267%FL
Pvt. Lynch 111100%ID
Quality Road 15414211675%KY
Quick Kid 3000%ON
Quindici Man 1000%CA
Quinton's Gold 63350%NM
R Code of Honor 111100%AL
R H F Golden Globe 444100%TN
R H F Harlequin 666100%TN
R M Money Talks 111100%TX
R. C. Royal 2000%MO
Race Day 102726665%KY
Rack Em Up 5000%ND
Rainbow Heir 139862%FL
Raise a Dreamer 1000%MT
Raise Suzuran 1000%ID
Raise the Bluff 52240%WA
Raised a Secret 108880%OR
Raison d'Etat 555100%KY
Ralis 18111056%BC
Rallying Cry 42250%WA
Ransom the Moon 118917362%KY
Rascal Cat 246625%AR
Ravelo's Boy 222100%FL
Raven Sky 222100%VA
Rda Oro Blanco 1000%CA
Read the Footnotes 52240%NM
Ready Intaglio 1312431%AB
Ready's Image 227732%IN
Real Estate 1000%WV
Real Quiet Cat 111100%TX
Real Solution 337721%LA
Rebel Alliance 1000%NM
Red Vine 222100%PA
Redbulletexpress 55480%FL
Redeemed 85563%MD
Redesdale 81484758%NY
Regal Regalia 33267%CA
Reload 49343265%ON
Repetoire 1100%AZ
Requite 73343%LA
Returning 1000%OR
Revoluta 1000%WA
Revolutionary 21121048%KY
Revolving 178741%TX
Reward the Cat 31133%FL
Richard's Kid 40262563%CA
Ride On Curlin 28171657%FL
Ride the Times 1000%TX
Right Rigger 19131368%NM
Rink a Dink Kid 111100%NM
Rising Legend (GB) 111100%KY
Risk and Return 31133%IL
Risky Asset 1000%AR
Rivers Run Deep 20121050%OH
Road Ruler 63233%IL
Rock Hampton 1000%FL
Rock Star Status 4000%KS
Rocket Ride 22150%WI
Rocky Bar 96667%AZ
Rodessa Flash 111100%LA
Roll Hennessy Roll 135215%NM
Roll On Diabolical 42125%NM
Roman Gladiator 55240%CO
Roman Scout 144429%PR
Romeo Lima 222100%IL
Rookie Sensation 97556%ON
Roundtripper 111100%SC
Rousing Sermon 1410964%CA
Royal Challenger 31133%ND
Royal Memory 21150%CA
Rule by Night 85563%NM
Ruler's Court 444100%LA
Run Away and Hide 45363373%KY
Run Dot Com 1000%OR
Run It 21150%CA
Run Like Fire 1000%MO
Run Production 21150%LA
Runhappy 1271129474%KY
Runin for Donnie 222100%TX
Running Tap 32267%WA
Runnintothealter 1000%PA
Rushmore 1000%WI
Sabercat 1111764%LA
Saburo 129867%PA
Sadie's Soldier 97556%LA
Sahara Sky 444100%IN
Sail Cove 21150%FL
Saint Afleet 42250%LA
Saintly Eyes 93333%IN
Saketini 222100%FL
Salt Ship 31133%OK
Salt Water 333100%WA
Sam Lord's Castle 41125%MN
Same As 41125%OH
Santiva 84450%IN
Saphire Sandy 63350%ND
Sapphire Cat 43375%WY
Saratoga Syndicate 117655%WV
Sasha's Prospect 75457%OK
Sassicaia 17151588%LA
Saturdaynitelites 51120%AB
Save Big Money 207735%CO
Saving Stardust 111100%LA
Savu 111100%PR
Sayaad 333100%OK
Schramsberg 32267%AB
Scots Pine 1000%BC
Scottish Rogue 444100%MT
Sea Accounts 222100%TX
Sea Candy Ride 3000%WA
Sea Prince 74457%AR
Sea Wizard 128867%NJ
Seattle Serenade 45353476%ON
Second in Command 106440%BC
Secret Circle 19141368%KY
Secret House 222100%AR
Segovia 2100%OH
Senor Enrico 1000%NM
Senor Hambone 21150%OK
Senor Swinger 333100%FL
Serendip 31133%AR
Seventyseven Crown 2000%FL
Shackleford 79625975%KY
Shadow Hawk 52120%NE
Shady Grove 1000%AR
Shakin It Up 18151583%KY
Shaman Ghost 68575074%KY
Shame On Charlie 83338%NM
Shanghai Kid 222100%CA
Sharp Azteca 19516313871%KY
Shermanesque 4000%TX
Sherman's Aggie 111100%TX
Sherriff Cogburn 222100%OK
Shimmering Forest 111100%NY
Show Tune 43375%PA
Shupanga 21150%AR
Side Road 108770%PR
Siente El Trueno 1000%WV
Sierra Victor 111100%TX
Signature Red 128758%ON
Silent Name (JPN) 45362964%ON
Silent Pleasure 1000%LA
Silver Antelope 111100%KY
Silver Country 3000%AR
Silver Max 74343%ON
Silver Mountain 2000%IN
Silver Saint 111100%CO
Silver Wagon 222100%NM
Simba Twist 111100%ON
Sing Baby Sing 76686%IA
Singing Saint 112200%AB
Sir Sebastian 4000%PR
Sixthirteen 555100%OR
Skipshot 139969%KY
Sky Fire 86675%IN
Sky Flight 123325%TX
Sky Kingdom 57403358%KY
Sky Mesa 59473763%KY
Skylord 25121144%IN
Slaming Jeau 1000%MI
Slew Flew by You 1000%AL
Slewcious 21150%CA
Slewquero 43375%OR
Slew's Saga 222100%OR
Slew's Tiznow 23171774%CA
Sligo Bay (IRE) 138646%ON
Slope 333100%IN
Slumber (GB) 42250%KY
Small Change 1000%WY
Smart Bid 21161676%CA
Smarty Jones 33191958%PA
Smiling Tiger 108837872%CA
Smoked Gold 333100%MI
Smokem 31232271%CA
Snag 444100%OH
Snow Trouble 61117%NM
Snowline 111100%AL
Snowy River 21150%VA
Soaring Sun 2000%LA
Social Inclusion 40323075%PA
Society's Chairman 34262676%ON
Sock Hop 82225%MO
Sol Invictus 222100%AZ
Soldat 169638%FL
Song of Navarone 32267%NM
Song of the Sword 32267%OK
Songandaprayer 3000%FL
Soul of Ekati 111100%IL
Sound the Alarm 333100%LA
Souper Speedy 106716561%ON
South of Broad 111100%LA
Southern Image 32267%CA
Southern Success 42250%PA
Sovereign Pride 32133%UT
Spaniard 43250%IA
Spankey Come Home 111100%NM
Special Rate 135538%OK
Speightster 1241029073%KY
Speightstown 1421189869%KY
Spellbinder 85450%TX
Spinning Touch 111100%NM
Sporting 222100%OK
Sports Talk 93333%NE
Squadron A 222100%FL
Square Eddie 27222178%CA
Stage Street 21150%LA
Stand for Glory 53360%WY
Stanford 62494979%CA
Stanley 1000%ID
Star Guitar 65565178%LA
Star Harbour 111100%FL
Star of David 32267%LA
Star Rocker 1100%ID
Starship 154427%OK
State Line 74229%IN
State Your Case 111100%TX
Stay Thirsty 14910610369%CA
Stealcase 111100%TX
Steep Paladin 111100%LA
Stellar Rain 115436%NM
Stephanoatsee 31133%NY
Steppin Wild 3000%IN
Stimulus Plan 5000%CA
Stonesider 222100%TX
Stoneyer 4000%PR
Storm Charmer 5000%SK
Storm Dani 1100%NM
Storm Military (ARG) 2000%AB
Storm Victory 74457%BC
Storm Wolf 777100%FL
Stormberg 61117%CA
Storm's Close 111100%TX
Storm's Eye 111100%IN
Stormy Atlantic 28191657%KY
Stormy's Majesty 72229%WV
Straight Fire 30232067%CA
Street Boss 103836967%KY
Street George 222100%CA
Street Magician 1210867%MD
Street Sense 1491259966%KY
Street Strategy 23161565%AR
Stroll 26171765%IA
Strong Contender 21150%TX
Strong Mandate 14101071%KY
Suances (GB) 2000%CA
Summer Front 59514271%KY
Sungold 105550%BC
Sunshine Kid 111100%NJ
Suntracer 222100%FL
Super Ninety Nine 74343%MD
Super Saver 136977958%KY
Superestrella 333100%NY
Surf Cat 21150%CA
Sway Away 113327%NM
Sweep Away 8200%IL
Sweet Dreamer 111100%CA
Swiss Yodeler 41125%WV
Swissle Stick 1000%OK
T Boy Joy 1000%AR
T C F Titanium 222100%AL
T F Classic Twist 1000%WV
Tactical Cat 126650%OK
Take Charge Tapit 2000%IN
Takeover Target 29181759%LA
Tale of Ekati 34232162%KY
Tale of the Cat 33261855%KY
Tale of the Hills 1000%CA
Tale of Verve 13131185%KY
Talent Search 138754%PA
Tales Not Told 2000%OK
Tamarando 13101077%CA
Tamarkuz 57454375%KY
Tamazunchale (MEX) 111100%TX
Tango Event 111100%ON
Tannersmyman 111100%CA
Tapidor 32267%OH
Tapit 111987265%KY
Tapitgold 143429%FL
Tapiture 114847868%KY
Tapizar 71514361%KY
Taprize 2211941%IN
Tapwrit 15413011273%KY
Tarpy's Surprise 44375%AR
Tax Deduction 31133%IN
Tekton 74457%AR
Templar Knight 44375%NY
Temple City 70545071%KY
Ten a Penny 111100%NM
Tencendur 129975%NY
Tenga Cat 111100%CA
Tenkoz 111100%OH
Tenpins 555100%LA
Teuflesberg 54480%NY
Texas Bling 222100%TX
Texas Chrome 14141179%AR
Texas Red 40222153%KY
Texas Ryano 18121267%CA
Texas Wildcatter 97778%BC
Thabazimbi 43375%OH
The Big Beast 113706658%FL
The Big Mystery 111100%FL
The Brain 2000%NM
The Daddy 66583%LA
The Deputy (IRE) 2000%IA
The Factor 80675873%KY
The Fifth Sun 54480%FL
The Hunk 154427%TX
The Lady's Groom 7000%WV
The Lieutenant 46343270%NY
The Player 137431%KY
The Visualiser 16111169%OK
Three Chopt Road 95556%WV
Three Hour Nap 148857%IL
Threeandoh 333100%FL
Thunder Brew 1000%PA
Tidal Volume 86563%OH
Tidal Wave 2000%LA
Tight Grip 1000%LA
Timber Legend 21150%MN
Time Bandit 15131280%LA
Tiz a Minister 108770%CA
Tiz Sardonic Joe 75571%IN
Tiz Shea D 22161673%PR
Tiznow 113856356%KY
Tiznow My Way 84450%NE
To Teras 64350%NM
Tobz Flash 111100%MT
Toews On Ice 444100%NM
Tom's Ready 54480%LA
Tom's Tribute 45353271%CA
Tonalist 63554775%KY
Too Discreet 666100%FL
Too Much Bling 35191954%TX
Top Hit 65350%AZ
Tough It Up 33267%OH
Tourist 72514968%KY
Town Extension 84450%NM
Train Rider Blues 71114%NM
Trappe Shot 21171781%KY
Traqueteo 21150%PR
Traxstar 111100%CO
Treasure Beach (GB) 168850%FL
Treasure Ride 1000%CA
Trickmeister 3000%MO
Trojan Nation 126650%WY
True Marco 111100%FL
True Sense 42250%MB
True to the Moon 21150%PA
Trump'spride 1000%OK
Tu Brutus (CHI) 22151464%KY
Tunwoo 18121161%FL
Tup Take' Please 22150%WV
Turbo Compressor 81113%IN
Turfiste 33133%ON
Twice as Bad 31133%KS
Twice the Appeal 5300%CA
Twinspired 17131271%OH
Twirling Candy 15413411675%KY
Twisted Mister 111100%SK
Two Dimensional 1000%CA
U S Ranger 94444%CA
Uh Oh Bango 64467%AZ
Ultimate Eagle 32267%CA
Unbridled Energy 13111185%MI
Unbridled Express 20121050%IN
Unbridled Sheriff 3000%OK
Unbridled Spring 21150%IN
Unbridled Trust 111100%NM
Unbridledsensation 333100%LA
Uncaptured 1471029867%FL
Uncle Lino 76484357%PA
Uncle Mo 24921117671%KY
Uncle Vinny 42125%FL
Understatement 62233%OR
Unified 102877977%KY
Union Jackson 40262460%NY
Union Rags 15514412782%KY
United Spirit 111100%TX
Unusual Heatwave 85563%CA
Upper Mesa Falls 111100%MB
Upstart 38282771%KY
Uptown Rythem 54480%CA
Uptowncharlybrown 73505068%PA
V. E. Day 15111173%KY
Valiant Minister 47312860%FL
Value Plus 169956%BC
Vaporetto 777100%PR
Vaquero 43375%OH
Vengeful Wildcat 87675%MB
Verrazano 18151372%KY
Vertiformer 71114%OH
Vezeau Beach 111100%ON
Vice Lord 5000%CO
Victor's Cry 21131362%IN
Victory Cup 1000%UT
Vindgari 62233%SK
Violence 17113510863%KY
Vronsky 39262462%CA
Vulcan's Forge 85563%OK
Wagon Limit 1000%FL
Waist Gunner John 6000%OH
Wait 124433%FL
War Correspondent 23171565%KY
War Dancer 62494065%NY
War Eagle 41125%LA
War Envoy 74229%PA
War Front 81716580%KY
War Power 1000%WA
Warrior's Reward 115867363%PA
Watershed 1111982%PR
Waupaca 1000%OK
We Miss Artie 106550%KY
Weather Warning 1000%CA
Weave It to Me 62233%WV
Weekend Hideaway 17131376%NY
Weigelia 41292868%PA
Well Drawn 1000%KY
Well Positioned 1000%IL
Well Said 3000%SK
Well Spelled 14101071%PA
West Coast 16815013077%KY
West Express 21150%CO
West Ranger 4000%IL
Western Acres 111100%TX
Western Gambler 65583%TX
Western Pride 135538%OH
Westover Wildcat 105550%MN
What Now 31133%IN
Whence 23201774%LA
Where's the Ring 106660%ON
White Gold G E S 222100%CO
White Magic 1000%CA
White Mercedes 111100%PA
Why Broadway 22150%TX
Why Not Be Perfect 12111192%OR
Wicked B. Havior 444100%OK
Wicked Strike 22150%FL
Wicked Strong 131807356%KY
Wicked Tune 66583%FL
Wilburn 16101063%OK
Wild Cide 2100%OK
Wild Thought 1000%TX
Wildcat Red 16131275%KY
Will Take Charge 56513970%KY
William's Kitten 555100%OH
Wimbledon 1000%TX
Win the Space 32267%CA
Winchill 30222273%PA
Window Boy 111100%PR
Windsor Castle 43272558%WV
Winning Cause 96667%CA
Wise River 3200%IN
Woke Up Dreamin 106660%IA
Writer 1000%MD
Xixixi 14111179%PA
Yankee Gentleman 103220%LA
Yes We Can 21150%FL
Yockey's Warrior 34272676%LA
You Luckie Mann 31133%FL
Young Brian 32267%FL
Youngs Mill 5000%IN
Your Abc's 31133%WV
Zamperini 33133%NY
Zip It Up 52240%CA
Zip Quik 65583%CO
Zivo 64467%NY
Zong 21121152%LA

Other years available: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997

(Note: Figures in parentheses next to Mares Bred indicate the number of mares bred to the stallion on Southern Hemisphere time.)

The Jockey Club does not represent this information as purporting to describe the fertility of any Thoroughbred stallion.

Copyright ©2024, The Jockey Club. Data provided by The Jockey Club is generally accurate but occasionally errors occur as a result of incorrect data received from others, mistakes in processing, and other causes. The Jockey Club shall have no responsibility or liability for the consequences, if any, of such errors, but would appreciate them being called to its attention.