News Releases

Monday, August 11, 2014Contact: Bob Curran Jr. (212) 521-5326
Round Table Transcripts, Slides and Video Replay now Available on

A video replay, official transcript and PowerPoint presentations from Sunday’s 62nd Annual Round Table Conference on Matters Pertaining to Racing from Saratoga Springs, N.Y., are now available at

The Jockey Club’s annual conference featured updates on medication reform efforts in the United States, a study on equine drug testing and enforcement, an analysis of racing trends and horse inventories, and a report on new fan and owner development initiatives.

Brian Rolapp, the executive vice president of NFL Media and the president and CEO of the NFL Network, shared insights into the National Football League’s media strategies, and Denis Egan, the chief executive of the Irish Turf Club, provided an update on jockey safety and welfare initiatives.

Transcripts for the previous 61 editions of the Round Table Conference, dating back to the first one in July 1953, are available in the “Resources” section of The Jockey Club website.

The Jockey Club, founded in 1894 and dedicated to the improvement of Thoroughbred breeding and racing, is the breed registry for North American Thoroughbreds. In fulfillment of its mission, The Jockey Club, directly or through subsidiaries, provides support and leadership on a wide range of important industry initiatives, and it serves the information and technology needs of owners, breeders, media, fans and farms. It is a founding member of the National Thoroughbred Racing Association and the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities and the architect and sole funding source for America’s Best Racing, the broad-based fan development initiative for Thoroughbred racing. You can follow America’s Best Racing as well as on social media platforms Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram.