News Releases

Thursday, November 16, 2017Contact: Rick VanMeter (202) 225-4706

Posted on behalf of the Coalition for Horse Racing Integrity

Washington, D.C. – H.R. 2651, the Horseracing Integrity Act of 2017, introduced by Congressman Andy Barr (R-KY) and Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY) now has the support of 100 members of the House of Representatives.  In addition to Congressmen Barr and Tonko who co-chair the Congressional Horse Caucus, the bill has been co-sponsored by 98 other members representing both political parties and districts across the country.

“The growing support for this legislation on Capitol Hill is a reflection of the growing coalition of support across the country for uniform medication rules in horseracing,” said Congressman Barr.  “Our bill will ensure the integrity and competitiveness of American horseracing and lay the groundwork for the future success of this great American sport and industry that has a significant economic and cultural impact in Kentucky.  I am grateful for the leadership of my friend, Congressman Tonko and the Coalition for Horse Racing Integrity as we continue to advance these needed bipartisan reforms.”

“I want to thank Congressman Barr for being a great companion and partner in advancing the Horseracing Integrity Act,” said Congressman Tonko.  “Our bill has gotten a fast start right out of the gate this year, with bipartisan support picking up faster than for any of its predecessor bills.  As the number of congressional cosponsors hits triple digits, and our broad coalition of interested parties continues to grow, I remain optimistic that our bill has the momentum it needs to move forward in the legislative process.  This issue and industry are too important to the Capital Region of New York and the nation to go unaddressed.  My fight and advocacy for the equine athlete and the integrity of the sport is stronger than it has ever been.”

“We are excited about the support the Horseracing Integrity Act of 2017 is receiving in Congress,” said Shawn Smeallie, executive director of the Coalition for Horse Racing Integrity.  “The coalition will continue to work closely with industry stakeholders in our pursuit of a national, uniform standard for drugs and medication in horse racing.”